Tag: Bitcoin

  • Bitcoin as a Legal Tender: What Does That Mean for All of Us?

    Bitcoin as a Legal Tender: What Does That Mean for All of Us?

    Guest post by Elena Obukhova, founder & CEO at FAS | Fintech Advisory Services. FAS is a global and fully decentralized advisory ecosystem that bridges blockchain and fintech experts from Asia, Europe, North America, and Latin America with SMEs willing to evolve in those domains. Bitcoin a legal tender, what does that mean? We all…

  • Back to Basics: What is a Bank?

    Back to Basics: What is a Bank?

    Maybe that sounds like a silly question to ask. You know what a bank is, you use their products and services almost every day. Most people have a bank account. Unfortunately not everybody. Nonetheless, it’s probably worth breaking it down for a minute. If you want to understand what fintechs are trying to disrupt, it’s…

  • Female business leader in Blockchain: Interview with Sukhi Jutla

    Female business leader in Blockchain: Interview with Sukhi Jutla

    Finance remains a male-dominated industry. That is in spite of some excellent initiatives around the world. And it is not better for fintech and blockchain, even though they are younger fields. It is rare to find a blockchain entrepreneur who is a woman. However, there are a few notable exceptions. The kind that are raising…

  • What is going on with Bitcoin?

    What is going on with Bitcoin?

    What is Bitcoin? Obviously joking here. If you are not familiar with the most popular cryptocurrency, you must be quite disconnected from the world. Which is not a bad thing in all fairness. But c’mon man, even your grandma has heard of Bitcoin. It is insanely popular these days. Everybody is talking about it. From…

  • Blockchain and crypto, know the difference!

    Blockchain and crypto, know the difference!

    Let’s clear a common mistake. Probably the biggest misconception in technology and finance that there is nowadays. There tends to be lots of confusion between blockchain and crypto (abbreviation of cryptocurrency). The confusion stems from the fact that the former powers the latter. You need to know the difference though: many people use these two…