Category: Guest

  • Why Hedge Fund Admin Software is Crucial to Your Back Office 

    Why Hedge Fund Admin Software is Crucial to Your Back Office 

    By Repool staff. In the fast-paced world of hedge funds, emerging fund managers focus on big-picture strategy and day-to-day investment moves. However, what is often overlooked or regarded with disdain is the amount of compliance and account reconciliations needed in back-office operations. While it’s not glamorous work, it is essential for ensuring the long-term sustainability…

  • Uzbekistan: A Fintech Paradise?

    Uzbekistan: A Fintech Paradise?

    By Nikolay Seleznev, Chief Strategy and Business Development Officer at Uzum The descendants of those who traded on the Silk Road are now embracing a new vehicle for commerce: fintech. For years unable to access innovative finance and technology products, Uzbeks are making up for lost time. In a country and a region which is…

  • How Fintech Advances Have Been Shaped by AI and Machine Learning

    How Fintech Advances Have Been Shaped by AI and Machine Learning

    By Chirag Shah, founder and CEO of Nucleus Commercial Finance and The fintech landscape has changed dramatically during the last five years, primarily due to the developments in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). The change has happened rapidly, revolutionising how financial services operate, including customer engagement and decision-making, across all regions of…

  • Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs): Navigating Governance Challenges and Attacks

    Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs): Navigating Governance Challenges and Attacks

    Decentralized Autonomous Organizations, commonly known as DAOs, represent a revolutionary shift in the way organizations are structured and governed. Unlike traditional organizations that rely on hierarchical structures and centralized decision-making, DAOs operate on blockchain technology, allowing for a decentralized and transparent approach to governance. By leveraging the power of smart contracts and token-based voting systems,…

  • A guide to the link between fintech and global money transfers

    A guide to the link between fintech and global money transfers

    By Kate Sands from 6XDMEDIA. Rates of global money transfers, also known as remittances, have grown five-fold over the last two decades and they show no signs of slowing down. Fintech is making it easier than ever before to transfer money internationally, and businesses and individuals alike are making the most of it. Let’s take…

  • Blockchain Technology and Its Implications for SEO

    Blockchain Technology and Its Implications for SEO

    By Michele R. Colwell from Incrementors. Being ahead of the curve is essential for success in the quick-paced world of digital marketing. The mainstay of online visibility and visitor generation is search engine optimization or SEO. However, new technologies continuously change the environment and how we play the SEO game. Blockchain is one such emerging technology…

  • How contractors are harnessing the power of fintech

    How contractors are harnessing the power of fintech

    Contractors’ lives have been greatly enhanced thanks to fintech. They can now do everything much more efficiently, from invoicing and receiving payments to staying compliant with IR35. The technology is also enabling companies to more easily find the best talent and scale up. Fintech is transforming many functions, but the one of the biggest areas…

  • Fintech and the Need for Ethical Sales Enablement

    Fintech and the Need for Ethical Sales Enablement

    By Nigel Cannings is co-founder and CTO of Intelligent Voice. There have always been some questions about the ethics behind sales enablement strategies. While producing the best results for businesses, sales enablement has to be carefully monitored for compliance. That is to ensure that the customer’s best interests are always front and centre. The difficulty…

  • What Are the Key Factors to Consider When Hiring Blockchain Developers for Startups?

    What Are the Key Factors to Consider When Hiring Blockchain Developers for Startups?

    By Mosche Amara from SparxIT. Organizations and entrepreneurs have seen the potential of blockchain technology in various industry verticals, including finance, supply chain, healthcare, and retail. As these companies have acknowledged the importance of digital innovation, they are eager to find blockchain development services best suited to their needs. A blockchain developer should be skilled…

  • From Silicon Valley Bank’s Downfall to a Governance Blueprint for Fintechs

    From Silicon Valley Bank’s Downfall to a Governance Blueprint for Fintechs

    By Erika Eliasson-Noris from Beyond Governance. The collapse of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) has undeniably underscored the necessity of robust governance within the fast-paced, high-risk realm of fintech. The rapid evolution and innovative spirit characteristic of fintech are indeed exhilarating. But they can also cloak the precariousness of poor governance. Which will ultimately result in…