Tag: Covid-19

  • BNPL: Consumer Acceptance and the Opportunities for Banks

    BNPL: Consumer Acceptance and the Opportunities for Banks

    This is a guest post by Jaimini Pattani, Senior Retail Banking Analyst at GlobalData, a data analytics and consulting company headquartered in London. COVID-19 has significantly changed the mindset of consumers in terms of the way they want to manage and spend their money. Low interest savings rates and either a surplus or lack of…

  • 2020 Retrospective

    2020 Retrospective

    At the beginning of last year, everybody made a few predictions for what 2020 would mean for the fintech industry. Obviously, at that point in time, Covid-19 was only a problem in Wuhan, China. You could see it in the distance, and it appeared well under control. That slightly changed in the following months, and…