Tag: Cryptocurrencies

  • Bitcoin as a Widespread Payment Option? Interview with Sung Choi

    Bitcoin as a Widespread Payment Option? Interview with Sung Choi

    Have you heard of Bitcoin? You need to read this with a sarcastic tone, obviously. The most famous cryptocurrency has been at the centre of all the financial news for quite some time. However, this has been more linked to its interest as a speculative investment or store of value. Depending on whom you ask.…

  • Why Financial Education Matters Now More Than Ever…

    Why Financial Education Matters Now More Than Ever…

    In very simple terms, financial education can make the difference between making a good and a bad financial decision. Why does it matter now more than ever? Because we are in a relatively good business and economic environment. That’s a good thing, right? Yes, of course. And that is relatively surprising given that we are…

  • Bitcoin as a Legal Tender: What Does That Mean for All of Us?

    Bitcoin as a Legal Tender: What Does That Mean for All of Us?

    Guest post by Elena Obukhova, founder & CEO at FAS | Fintech Advisory Services. FAS is a global and fully decentralized advisory ecosystem that bridges blockchain and fintech experts from Asia, Europe, North America, and Latin America with SMEs willing to evolve in those domains. Bitcoin a legal tender, what does that mean? We all…