Tag: Insurance

  • The Evolution of Insurtech and its Impact on Traditional Insurance Models

    The Evolution of Insurtech and its Impact on Traditional Insurance Models

    The insurance industry is undergoing a significant transformation driven by technological advancements. Insurtech, a term blending ‘insurance’ and ‘technology,’ is revolutionising traditional insurance models. We explore the innovations in personalised insurance products, the role of IoT devices in data collection and risk assessment, and the challenges faced by established insurance companies integrating new technologies. Innovations…

  • Advancing automation in  Australia and New Zealand Banking and Insurance

    Advancing automation in Australia and New Zealand Banking and Insurance

    By Mark Fioretto, Area Vice President and Managing Director ANZ at UiPath. End-to-end automation is now driving the digital transformation journey of Australian and New Zealand financial organisations in a hyper-competitive business environment. A recent IDC APJ Automation Survey 2022 commissioned by UiPath confirmed that, globally, 43% of banking and insurance industry organisations will use automation on an enterprise-wide scale by 2025. In Australia and New Zealand, spending…

  • Fintech Has a Growing Role in Disrupting These 7 Industries

    Fintech Has a Growing Role in Disrupting These 7 Industries

    Devin Partida is a prolific writer about crypto, open banking and fintech for publications like Worth, Due, Yahoo! Finance and Entrepreneur. Few technology fields today are as disruptive as fintech. These unconventional financial apps and services have already reshaped banks, with more than half of Americans using digital banking as of 2018. Still, this is…

  • How AI and Predictive Analytics Disrupt the Insurance Industry

    How AI and Predictive Analytics Disrupt the Insurance Industry

    Guest post by Timothy Partasevitch, Chief Growth Officer at Smart IT.Smart IT is a custom software development and web development company headquartered in Minsk and San Francisco. Customer service in the insurance industry leaves much to be desired. Clients traditionally had to put up with the lack of smooth operations and absence of personalization. That’s…