Tag: Investments

  • What’s going on with fintech startup exits?

    What’s going on with fintech startup exits?

    All the SPAC activity around fintechs is kind of normal. If you have not followed this new craze, here is a good recap from CB Insights. The huge amount of money going into fintechs needed an exit of some sort. When VCs give you some cash to build a business, they expect a return. As…

  • Venture Capital in Blockchain: Interview with Baptiste Cota

    Venture Capital in Blockchain: Interview with Baptiste Cota

    There has been a lot of hype around blockchain technology for years now. Notably because of bitcoin, ever since Satoshi Nakamoto published his white paper in 2008. What the technology could do that would completely change the world. It was hailed as potentially truly transformative for the financial services industry. Maybe it will in time…

  • Behavioural finance and Fintech: Interview with Julien Revelle

    Behavioural finance and Fintech: Interview with Julien Revelle

    What is really great about fintech, is that it is here to solve problems. That is the ultimate premise. Take broken things in financial services, and turn them into something much better. But can investor risk assessment be fun? That seems like a tall order. I do not know if you have ever done a…

  • Hedge Funds, Reddit and GameStop: is Fintech Democratizing Finance?

    Hedge Funds, Reddit and GameStop: is Fintech Democratizing Finance?

    Quite a fascinating story that unfolded over the past weeks. A finance drama from films like the Big Short. David vs Goliath in the trading world with a “Rich against poor” vibe. An amazing saga to start 2021. Here is a quick recap if you have not followed. Which is particularly hard since everybody is…

  • Top Finance Skills to understand Fintech

    Top Finance Skills to understand Fintech

    It’s very true that Fintech is a lot about tech, as per the little war for talent happening in the industry. So it’s obviously helpful if you have tech skills like coding. However, let’s not forget that we are talking about finance here. Without finance, there is no financial technology. Maybe it seems obvious, but…