Tag: Mobile Finance

  • Mobile app security, hype or necessity? Interview with Victor Tuson Palau

    Mobile app security, hype or necessity? Interview with Victor Tuson Palau

    Mobile devices are becoming the way consumers access banking services. It is not anymore complementary to internet, desktop banking, but rather replacing it. That means that mobile app security is often undersestimated. It’s great that it can fit in our pockets but it also means that it can be accessed over untrusted networks or worse.…

  • Mobile device financing: Interview with Clint Fayling

    Mobile device financing: Interview with Clint Fayling

    Smartphones and other mobile devices are becoming ever more expensive. Even if Tim Cook says that Apple products are not just rich people. Maybe we just have a different understanding of what it means to be rich… If a smartphone is worth two thirds of the average monthly income, or even half, that’s not affordable.…