Tag: Regulatory Technology

  • From Silicon Valley Bank’s Downfall to a Governance Blueprint for Fintechs

    From Silicon Valley Bank’s Downfall to a Governance Blueprint for Fintechs

    By Erika Eliasson-Noris from Beyond Governance. The collapse of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) has undeniably underscored the necessity of robust governance within the fast-paced, high-risk realm of fintech. The rapid evolution and innovative spirit characteristic of fintech are indeed exhilarating. But they can also cloak the precariousness of poor governance. Which will ultimately result in…

  • Navigating the complex world of gambling regulations and market dynamics

    Navigating the complex world of gambling regulations and market dynamics

    By Denys Melnykov, CBDO and co-founder at Corefy. My co-founder recently shared a conversation on the topic you can see in the headline, and asked my opinion on how to constantly push boundaries to expand and grow in the gambling industry. I think that question strikes a chord with a lot of people. The challenge…